Frequently asked questions

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What is a virtual office?

A virtual office or a virtual workspace is a virtual environment where teams gather to collaborate, work, and socialise.
A virtual office like ivCAMPUS is the remote replacement of a physical office, allowing teams to interact and connect online as they would do offline.
The advantage for companies is that they create a superior company culture where teams bond together and can work from anywhere.

What are the benefits of a virtual office?

A virtual office allows a business to combine the advantages of a physical office with remote work. You get the same elements that bring teams together (permanent presence of everyone in coffee rooms, conference rooms, personal rooms, knocking on doors) combined with the flexibility of remote work. Teams no longer need to commute or be in the same place to work efficiently together.

What's the difference between ivCAMPUS classic and ivCAMPUS for Microsoft Teams?

The ivCAMPUS classic does not require any software installation and can be used via a browser at Microsoft opened up its technologies in 2023 and allow the development of apps for Microsoft Teams. The ivCAMPUS for Microsoft Teams is currently still being tested and only a limited number of users are registered to pilot it. Feel free to add you on the waiting list.

Why is company culture important in a remote or hybrid work setting?

Culture is an important element of a company. A business cannot create morale, confidence, and trust among its employees without having a company culture. When it comes to fully-remote or hybrid working companies, it’s even more important to maintain the company culture, as employees, partners, and clients are generally separated by physical distances.
ivCAMPUS supports corporate culture through two elements:
1. Customization to a companies corporate design (CD) as well as to organisational structures increases recognition, (corporate) identity as well employees’ bonds to the company.
2. Permanent presence of all employees in a visual spatial structure creates an emotion of being part of a “bigger thing”, for instance a companies mission or a team pursuing a joint goal.

What is the best hybrid work model?

None. There are many hybrid work models and each type offers their own advantages and disadvantages. Read more details at:

How can I collaborate with external parties?

ivCAMPUS gives you the option to create invitation links for external parties. With this link, anyone with a browser and an internet connection can join your CAMPUS and work with you. There are many customisations available to make your invitation links unique or recurring, to redirect them to a specific room or to need your pick-up, etc.

How difficult is it to set up a virtual office?

10 minutes and you're read to invite your colleagues.
Getting started with ivCAMPUS is very easy. You are guided through a few steps via our system. Alternatively get in touch with us. The friendly ivicos team will help you get started in minutes.

Is ivCAMPUS made for full remote or hybrid work models?

That's exactly what we developed ivCAMPUS for!
With ivCAMPUS you can seamlessly adapt your current physical office(s) to your future working model. This includes (full) remote and hybrid working.

Another new tool?

Not a tool but a place to be!
ivCAMPUS is not a new software or tool that requires a lot of effort to learn. Rather a familiar virtual working environment in which you move around intuitively.

Is my virtual office secure?

Hosted and made in Germany.
We want to protect you and your data. ivicos GmbH supports European values. That is why ivCAMPUS is DSGVO-compliant in every respect. For more information, please see our privacy policy ( Our hosting providers are certified at the highest level to ensure the security of your data.

Which data do you store or process?

Almost none ...
None of your conversations on ivCAMPUS are stored. In accordance with the GDPR, we store as little personal data as possible. We only analyze anonymous metadata to improve our service and retrieve bugs. For more information, please see our privacy policy.

Am I being monitored?

It's like in the physical office.
With ivCAMPUS you see neither more nor less than in the physical office, namely the presence of a person. We don't store attendance times, and video and audio are secure and private in any space.

Can I use ivCAMPUS alongside M365 products?

Yes, ivCAMPUS integrates perfectly with Microsoft accounts: from single sign-on (SSO) to the use of sharepoint files in our project rooms to ivCAMPUS invites in outlook.

Do you offer Single sign-on (SSO)?

Yes, so far we offer Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). We will add other SSO tools as per our customers request. In addition we provide access via Magic Link, a passwordless but very secure authentication system.

Do I have to pay for guests I’m inviting on my Campus?

No. You can invite as many guests as you want without having to pay extra.