Geben Sie unten Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein.
Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit einem magischen Link, um ivCAMPUS für Ihre Organisation einzurichten und zu testen.
Passwordless authentication (magic link) is a method of verifying a user’s identity without using passwords. This method provides immediate protection against the most dangerous and common cyberattacks.
Users are this way also protected from scam emails and text messages that attempt to steal their passwords, since there’s no password to be stolen.
How does it work? The method is simple. Instead of being asked for a password, users only need to enter their email address in the login box. They will receive an email with a link they click to access. For security reasons, such link is sent to users each time they attempt to log in.
In the past, people went to work and showed their employee ID to the gatekeeper. Today it works with a simple link to be continuously present on CAMPUS.
Hier geht es los!
Unter Anmelden / Access bitte ihre geschäftliche e-Mail-Adresse eingeben.
Und dann?
Sie erhalten per Mail einen Link, um mit wenigen Klicks den ivCAMPUS für Ihr Unternehmen einzurichten.